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Nadiya's Coconut Truffles

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

You know when you get a new recipe book, and you just have to go out and get the ingredients to make something...? Well this is one of those. Something the kids can do almost completely by themselves and have lots of fun making too!


  • 250g lotus biscuits

  • 397g (small) tin of condensed milk

  • 120g desiccated coconut

  • Decoration: 100g desiccated coconut or chocolate sprinkles


  1. Smash the biscuits up in a bowl, or in a closed zip-lock bag with a rolling pin.

  2. Add the condensed milk to the biscuits with 120g desiccated coconut and mix well.

  3. Pour your choice of decoration into a small bowl.

  4. Using clean hands, take a small walnut sized amount of the mixture and roll it into balls.

  5. Roll each ball in your decoration and place into a cupcake case. Use mini ones if possible. You should be able to make 30-35 balls out of the mixture.

...can't wait to try out the rest of the recipes from Nadiya's Bake Me a Festive Story!


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